Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Mengenal G.SHDSL

Type of standard for DSL* capable of speeds of 2.3mbps, or up to 4.6mbps in some cases, for both upload and download speeds. (1)

G.SHDL is the acronym of Giga Single-pair High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (2)

G.SHDSL is a new international standard for single-pair, high-speed DSL, as defined in the ITU-T Standard G.991.2. Unlike asymmetric DSL, which was designed for residential applications in which more bandwidth is delivered downstream (to the house) than is available upstream (to the Internet), G.SHDSL is symmetrical - offering 2.3M bit/sec in both directions.

This makes G.SHDSL better-suited for business applications, which require higher-speed bandwidth in both directions.

G.SHDSL combines the positive aspects of existing copper-based, high-speed communications with the benefits of increased data rates, longer reach and less noise.

*DSL = Digital line subscriber


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